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Specialists in
Reputation Management
Crisis Communications
Dispute PR
Mergers & Acquisitions Communications



71-75 Shelton Street

London WC2H 9JQ

Tel: 07886757307


Reputation management

A good reputation is fundamental to every successful individual or business, but is often fragile and can be easily damaged.


What stakeholders believe about you and, importantly, say about you to others can make - or break - your reputation and standing.


The reputation that took years to build can be quickly tarnished, with enduring negative consequences, leaving you with the time consuming job of rebuilding how you are seen by stakeholders and the audiences most important to you.


It's when reputations are under threat that expert reputation management comes into its own and Farraline's founder has over twenty years experience of advising clients, helping them to preserve and enhance their reputations both in good times and bad.

Crisis Communications


When a crisis hits time can be short and if you are caught unprepared the situation can rapidly spiral out of control, with enduring negative effects. Media interest can be unremitting, with journalists demanding immediate information. Stakeholders need to be reassured and kept up to date as events unfold.


Effective crisis communications requires identifying a potentially dangerous situation and acting before it escalates with damaging consequences. In times of crisis you need the expertise to kill off or limit the impact of a negative story, while engaging with your key audiences.


At Farraline we have extensive experience in managing the media at a time of crisis, as well as helping you communicate with the full range of stakeholders relevant to you or your business.



Dispute PR


When your dispute becomes public a negative headline or inaccurate media reporting of the legal case can indelibly tarnish a company or individual.


At Farraline we have a thorough understanding of the legal process and the often complex issues associated with litigation – from high profile civil cases to full-blown regulatory investigations.


We understand the media agenda and the importance of effective, clear communications. Importantly, we also understand when not to engage with the press.


In litigation mandates we always adopt a lawyer-led way of working, dovetailing the media approach into the legal strategy. Our work is based upon thorough preparation, ahead of engaging with the media.


We ensure that your communications are tightly managed, consistently on-message and, importantly, in line with court procedure rules so as to avoid contempt issues.

Mergers & Acquisitions Communications


Deals can become problematic, with stakeholders and the media questioning the logic or the motives behind a merger or acquisition, leading to negative coverage and interpretation.


Farraline delivers well-planned communications programmes to successfully position a deal, building trust with shareholders, employees, customers and suppliers, the media and other important public audiences.


We bring strategic planning, proven experience and ideas to help our clients effectively manage M&A communications to generate support for their deal.






71-75 Shelton Street




Tel: 07886757307

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